Physical Education
At Lime Tree Primary School, we believe that physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. Through sport and physical activities, our children will learn about their responsibilities and both as individuals and members of groups and teams. Lime Tree pupils learn to cooperate and to compete fairly, identifying and understanding their own and others roles.
Our aim is that: through physical education we teach and develop physical competence, an appreciation of skilled and creative performances, understanding of basic principles of ‘fair play’ and improve inter personal skills. Lime Tree Primary School will achieve the above through:
Following a broad and balanced PE curriculum fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum, delivering two hours of PE each week, enriched with The Daily Mile.
Ensure every child moving on to secondary school has basic water-safety-skills.
Developing the fitness of the individual, by ensuring a good pace in lessons and incorporating fitness activities into physical education lessons as appropriate and Integrating, where possible, into other curriculum areas.
Involving the community where possible; Sports Day at Kingsmeadow Stadium, extra-curricular clubs, intra/inter-school games, outside coaching personnel and resources.
Provide enjoyable experiences, where positive attitudes of sensitivity, leadership, co-operation, competition and tolerance may develop.
In addition to the school curriculum our students compete in a range of Kingston Borough competitions, sports festivals and squad training takes place in preparation for competitions.
Along with the large variety of physical activity within the curriculum we also offer a range of after school clubs such as Netball, Football, Cricket, Martial Arts, Dance, Tennis, Basketball and Fitness.
Online Resources
Click here to see some of the many excellent resources online that you can access from home to support and enrich your child's learning.
EYFS Milestones
By the end of Reception, I will know:
I need to change for P.E
How to stop my body, with control.
To move my body at different speeds.
I must bend my knees when I land from different jumps.
Exercise can make me hot and tired, this is ok.
I should try and catch with two hands.
A good space is away from my classmates.
It is safe to strike different balls with certain parts of my body (feet) and equipment (racket, bat).
I must work as a team in some games.
I cool down after I finish my exercise.
Year 1 Milestones
By the end of Year 1, I will know:
When I throw the ball with control, it increases the chances of ending where I would like it to.
When catching, I must keep my eye on the ball until it is safe.
When controlling the ball with my feet, and equipment (Hockey stick), I must keep my eye on the ball until it is safe.
I must keep my body balanced and under control in gymnastics.
I should look towards a team-mate before passing.
When playing racket sports, I strike the ball in the middle of the racket.
When dancing, I have control of my body and know where the audience is.
It is ok to have strengths and weaknesses.
It is ok to win and lose.
When I win I behave like a winning legend, when I lose I behave like a losing legend.
Year 2 Milestones
By the end of Year 2, I will know:
During team games, I know a variety of throws to beat an opponent, overhead, loop, power.
During team games, to gain possession I can pass the ball to a team-mate to run on to and receive.
When performing gymnastics, I know to keep my fingers and toes pointed.
I can control the football using my thighs, chest, inside of foot and outside of foot.
To stay calm when in a pressured environment.
To strike the ball away from a teammate, during striking games.
In a team, we have attackers and defenders.
Unison means together.
Levels are referring to the height of my body.
When shooting, I aim the ball away from the goalkeeper.
Year 3 Milestones
By the end of Year 3, I will know:
To adopt different shots to outwit an opponent, smash, lob, drop.
Identify body parts and train them during fitness lessons.
To think both offensively and defensively during team games.
To demonstrate positional awareness during invasion games, defence, midfield, attack.
Strength and flexibility help improve gymnastics performance.
Adding transitions to gymnastics performances make it more interesting for the audience.
Bowl a cricket ball with a straight arm.
Athletes require strength, stamina and speed.
The harder I work, the faster my heart beats.
Year 4 Milestones
By the end of Year 4, I will know:
Moving an opponent out of position increases success.
My decisions impact my opponents decisions during invasion games.
To identify abdominals, hamstrings, quadriceps and biceps, I can train these muscles by selecting appropriate activities.
I can name the responsibilities of an attacker and defender.
I know how to perform a gymnastics routine, selecting appropriate body movements.
To be successful I must react quickly to ever changing situations.
When bowling in cricket, I follow: Base; catapult, rock and release and follow through.
I understand that, sprint: fast and short, stamina: pacing and consistency.
To select different shots to exploit and opponents weakness.
Passing the ball wide can make it harder for defenders.
Year 5 Milestones
By the end of Year 5, I will know:
Show consistency and control in team games and play with greater speed and flow.
Choose effective tactics to keep possession, dependent on the situation in front of me.
Consistently use hand-eye and foot-eye as part of a skillful performance.
Describe how one's self or others can improve performance.
Use a range of humps showing an increase of height, distance and control.
Evaluate how the problem was solved.
Understand roles and responsibilities within a team, give appropriate instructions to team-mates.
Year 6 Milestones
By the end of Year 6, I will know:
To follow a set of advanced rules competitively and fairly.
Encourage and model good sportsmanship.
Stay in control when changing speed or direction, under pressure.
Consistently perform specialist movements during athletics in a competitive environment.
To perform dance with precision, control and fluency.
To perform sequences of counterbalances with consistency, fluidity and good body movements.
Use a variety of tactics to keep possession during invasion games, allowing me to progress towards a goal.
Adopt tactics to create space and exploit space individually and as part of a team.
Swimming Lessons
The school's aim is for all children, by the time they reach Year 6, to swim competently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres and use a range of strokes and techniques in order for them to be safe in the water.
The children currently take part in swimming lessons at Shrewsbury House School, run by Aquademy Surbiton - . They have one session per week for 6 weeks and the sessions last for 30 minutes. The children are streamed dependant on ability: beginner, intermediate and advanced and assessed by the pool instructor.
Following a period where swimming lessons were not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Years 3-5 took part during the academic year 2021-22. Year 6 took part in swimming lessons during the summer term 2022-23.