Before and After School Provision - Clubhouse

WEB The Clubhouse parent handbook 2023-2024.pdf

Terms and Conditions

Please note that although bookings are made for the full year, we do offer ad hoc sessions so please contact to book. Sessions missed due to holiday and sickness will not be refunded. For further details about the club's terms and conditions, please see the Parent Handbook.


Any queries relating to your child out of school hours should be directed to Miss Brodie, the Clubhouse Manager, on 07708530377. Between 8.45am and 3.15am, please leave a message on this number. This will be picked up when our staff are out of class and when the children are in the club.


The Clubhouse entrance is via the side gate, by the Oak Hill path. There is a bell to let staff members know of your arrival. Please do not go through the school.

The Clubhouse is staffed by teaching assistants who currently work at Lime Tree as well as newly employed staff members.

The Club offers support with homework as well as activities which carry on the ethos of Lime Tree. Breakfast is provided in the morning and a light snack in the afternoon.

Opening Times

Breakfast Club - 7.45am to 8.35am (breakfast stops being served at 8.15am)

After School Club - 3.15pm to 6pm

Prices from September 2022

Breakfast Club - £6.50 per day 

Afterschool Club - £16 per day 

For further information or to book your child's place please email the School Business Manager.

Jordan Brodie

Breakfast & After School Club Manager

Safeguarding Lead for Clubhouse

Laura Pyatnytska

Playworker (Breakfast Club and After School Club)

Dawn Simmonds

Playworker (Breakfast Club)

Rukiah Khatun

Playworker (After School)

Dannielle Legge

Playworker (After School)

Misbah Sheikh

Playworker (After School)

Josh Gregory

Playworker (After School)

Sol French

Playworker (After School)