Child Health & Wellbeing
Health Conditions including Asthma
If your child has a long term medical condition which requires close monitoring, please speak to the school office who can put you in touch with the SENCo to discuss any specific needs. You may need to fill out a Healthcare Plan, for example if your child requires an epipen.
If your child has asthma and requires medication for this condition, the school will need you to fill out an Asthma Care Plan.
The school is not allowed to administer paracetamol/ibuprofen to children. If this has been recommended by a health professional for a long term medical condition, please contact the school office.
If your child requires antibiotics, we can administer a single dose, only if they have been prescribed 4 times per day. Otherwise we ask that you fit around school times. You will need to complete a medication form.
Advice on Common Illnesses and Attendance at School

Henry Healthy Families
The HENRY team offer 8-week programmes and one-off workshops for parents and carers of children between 0-12.
HENRY is for everyone, and topics covered include understanding children’s behaviour, setting boundaries, parent wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, supporting children eating a wide range of foods, screen time, being active, family routines, sleep, self-esteem, and much more.
The programme is FREE to attend for parents/carers of children attending Kingston Schools.
You can self-refer by clicking here or via the QR code or to find out more please feel
to email us on
School Health Service
The School Health Service supports young people, their parents or carers and schools to promote healthy lifestyles and improve and maintain health and wellbeing. Pupils that are emotionally and physically healthy are best able to achieve their educational potential.
The NHS Better Health website provides lots of facts about healthy food, recipes to try and activities to improve your family's health and wellbeing, and they have also now just launched the free NHS Food Scanner App. With a speedy scan of your family's favourite foods, parents can find healthier swaps for the next time they shop.
Emotional Health & Wellbeing

Useful Resources
Update Nov 2021
0800 028 8000
New single 24/7 crisis line for children and young people/families requiring urgent mental health support - please use this number before attending A&E, unless there is an emergency medical need