
Lime Tree is a school with a rich, vibrant and varied school community and our curriculum reflects this both in terms of the offer the school provides and the qualities our children and families bring with them.  We have a holistic approach to health and this belief is at the heart of everything we do - Healthy Body, Healthy Brain, Healthy Heart. Incorporating British Values, our school values (Respect, Equality, Kindness, Compassion, Happiness and Resilience) have been decided and agreed upon with the children creating a whole school culture that is inclusive, calm and learning-focused.

Our curriculum is based on 5 key principles: 

The intention from our curriculum is for all of our children to develop their whole child and to be effective learners - both now and for life; effective and confident communicators who think critically but are able to cooperate, collaborate and compromise leading to individuals who are happy, healthy, educated citizens making a positive contribution to the communities they live in.

 We want the 'learning child' to:

Our end of phase whole child will be emotionally, intellectually and technologically equipped for the future; armed with a range of strategies that help them stay safe from harm and equipped with tools necessary to maintain positive mental health.  Each child will be empowered to go onto being an active member of their communities, feel included, listened to and feel secure that they have equal rights.  Our children will be able to sustain healthy, happy relationships that that are modelled and reinforced through their time at Lime Tree.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please use the links under the Curriculum heading on the main page.  Information about the National Curriculum can be found here.

The Curriculum Planning Cycle will illustrate planning documents used by the teachers to plan the intended lessons for the children.  For Maths, we use Power Maths programme to plan the children's learning.

The Assessment Principles set out the processes and approach we use to gauge where children are at in their learning and the responses to the effectiveness of the teaching and learning that takes place.

The Early Years Foundation Stage link shares the new Foundation Stage curriculum and how this lays the basis of all future learning through the Lime Tree Journey.

The Core Subjects and Foundation Subjects links show what children are expected to have learnt by the end of each year in every subject and the core knowledge that children will be taught.

 There is also additional information about our remote learning platform (Google Classroom) and how this is implemented if and when necessary; as well as information about SATs.

Copy of Curriculum Overview