Keeping Children Safe
At Lime Tree Primary, the health and safety of all children is of paramount importance. Parents expect school to be a safe environment in which their children can flourish. We ensure that this expectation becomes reality. To do this, a wide range of measures are in place including policies for:
safeguarding and child protection
online safety
preventing radicalisation
Are you worried about a child?
This could be a worry about:
the child's developmental needs
issues that the parent or carer is experiencing
possible neglect or physical, sexual or emotional abuse
Please speak to one of our Safeguarding Leads (see below) about your worry. If this is not possible, please call the School Office on 020 8390 9544 or email
Please state that it is a safeguarding concern.
You can also contact the Single Point of Access (SPA). SPA is a multiagency team managed (in Kingston) by Achieving for Children. The team works with a wide range of people and agencies to offer different levels of support. Please see the contact details below:
For children living in Kingston: 020 8547 5008 from 8-5.15pm, Monday to Thursday, 8-5pm on Friday, or 020 8770 5000 out of hours. You can also refer here.
For children living in Surrey: 0300 470 9100 from 9-5pm, Monday to Friday or 01483 517898 out of hours.
For children living in Merton: 020 8545 4226 or 020 8545 4227, or 020 8770 5000 out of hours.
If you are worried that an adult who works with children has (or could) cause them harm, please contact the LADO service on 07774 332 675 or email
As a school, we teach e-safety and give children the necessary information they need to stay safe online and to act responsibly in such virtual communities. Parents and care-givers also have a vital role in helping prepare their children to go online before they start to use social media platforms, as well as monitoring responsible use of these on a regular basis. Together you can look at the key things they need to know about staying safe online, critical thinking,. and the safety settings available.
Below is a guide to to help you set parental safeguards on your child's devices. Information about popular media platforms and age restrictions can be found on the NSPCC website.

Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mike Flowers - Deputy Head
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Samuel Hanes
Parent Governor
Designated Governor for Safeguarding/Child Protection
Sue Hawker - Headteacher
Safeguarding Lead
Nina Arnaouti- SENco
Safeguarding Lead
Helen Broers - Assistant Head
Safeguarding Lead
Jordan Brodie - Clubhouse
Safeguarding Lead