
Quality of Education Committee

Chair - Nick Saunders

The primary focus for this committee is to pursue excellence regarding the quality of teaching, learning and assessment across the school and to ensure that effective systems are in place so that teaching raises the achievement of all pupils including those with special educational needs, those with English as an additional language (EAL) and those for whom the pupil premium provides support and the most able. This committee is responsible for holding to account senior leaders for the schools performance regarding the quality of teaching and also contributes to and monitors the School Development Plan with regard to the quality of teaching. The committee reports termly to the Full Governing Board. 

Finance and Resources Committee

Chair - currently vacant

This committee is responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the school and to make sure that it’s money is well spent. The committee provides guidance and support to the Head Teacher and the Business Manager regarding budgeting and finance and in particular preparing a balanced budget every year. It also reviews the staffing structure with the Head Teacher and ensures that a pay policy and staff appraisal policy is in place for all staff. The committee also ensures that systems are in place to ensure the maintenance of the school including Health and Safety. The committee reports termly to the Full Governing Board.